Carmen Mahave

Discover my collection of unique artworks ready to grace your space. Please note that some pieces may not be able to be ship immediately. For inquiries on availability and shipping, kindly reach out to me via my contact page.

$40, 000 CAD

Silicone, Pigment, Human Hair, Glass, Foam, Mirror, Plastic, 30" x 22" x 40"

$13, 000 CAD

Canis Cervicapir, 30” x 23” x 33” Silicone, Pigment, Hair, Wood, Fabric

$7, 000 CAD

Procylophasca Rattus, Rabbit Fur, Dye, Silicone, Pigment, Acrylic, Fabric, Foam, Glass, 24” x 11” x 21” 

$850 CAD

Squish, Edition of 5, Silicone, Foam, Gel, 20cm x 9cm x 20cm

$150 CAD

Internal, 26" x 32", Varied Edition of 10, Screenprint

$50 CAD

Taste of Divination, 12" x 18" Edition of 10, Screenprint

$800 CAD

Hard to Digest, Edition of 3, Bronze, 6cm x 3cm x 5cm

$1700 CAD

Unearthlings, Series of 3, Walnut, Silicione, Pigment, 15cm x 18cm x 15cm 

$500 CAD

Thumbtack, Walnut, Steel, Plaster, Cork, 36cm x 20cm x 20cm

$50 CAD

PetSlug, Silicone, Cardboard, Moss, 9cm x 2cm 2cm 

*Includes one pet slug and one cardboard slug house

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